domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012


Lesson 2
Quantos anos você tem?
(how old are you?)

Asking ages, times and values

Grammar verbs and pronouns

Conversation (going to Olinda)

Verbs, useful and information

Brazilian and Recife’s music
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You have learned how to count in Portuguese, how to express yourself and some useful phrases, now you will learn how to go to Olinda, a beautiful place after Recife, not Just Olinda, but also the beaches it has.
Olinda, city in eastern Brazil, in Pernambuco State.
A port on the Atlantic Ocean. One of the best-preserved colonial cities in Brazil, Olinda is built on hills that overlook the Atlantic Ocean and the nearby city of Recife. A number of 17th-century churches and houses line the narrow, winding streets that climb these hills. The port city juts into the ocean on the easternmost bulge of South America, and the fine beaches north of Olinda attract many tourists. Although sugar plantations operate in the area and plants in Olinda process sugar, the city is better known for its cultural and artistic attractions than for its industry. During the city's carnival celebration, thousands of costumed people dance in the streets, performing the frevo, an energetic regional dance. São Bento monastery, which operated the first law school in Brazil, and São Francisco monastery house noted art collections. Also in the city are the fort of São Francisco, called the Cheese Fort; the Prefeitura, or government house of the captains general; and the Joaquim Nabuco Institute. Artisans sell handcrafted goods in the Ribeira Market.
Founded in 1535, Olinda was prominent in early colonial history, traces of which are found in the old churches and buildings. Long the most dominant city in northern Brazil, Olinda was the capital of the Portuguese colonial captaincy of Pernambuco; from 1630 to 1654 it was under Dutch rule. The community became capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco during the 17th century because of the considerable political power wielded by the rich owners of the sugar plantations that surrounded the city. Recife later grew more dominant and succeeded Olinda as capital.
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Now that you know Olinda city, let’s try to go there using some useful phrases.

Onde é Olinda? (where is Olinda?)

Olinda fica depois de Recife (Olinda is after Recife)

Como posso chegar até lá?
(How can I reach there?)

De ônibus, ou de metro (by bus or by subway)

Quanto é a passage? ( how much is the ticket?)

Apenas 1,40 de metro ou 2,50 de onibos (just 1,40 by subway or 2,50 by bus)

Há praias lá?(there is beaches on there?)

Sim, mas é claro (yes, of course)

É perigoso? (it’s dangerous?)

Não, muito segura! (no, very peaceful!)

Obrigado (thanks)

De nada (not at all)
Onde é olinda?
Onde fica olinda?
Como fasso pra chegar em olinda? (informal)
All these expressions are the same to ask somebody how to go to Olinda city.
Note that the same expressions say the same thing, but you can just say: 13
Onde é…? (Where is…?)
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Onde fica…? (Where is…?) informal
Let’s look more examples.
Onde está minha mala?
(Where is my suitcase?)
Onde está minha roupa?
(Where is my clothes?)
Onde é o shopping Recife?
(Where is the Shopping Recife?)
Onde está…? (if you ask where something or somedbody is)
Onde fica…? (if you ask where someplace is)
Onde é…? (the same if you ask somebody where someplace is)
►Useful expressions:
Isto é muito bom (this is very good)
Isto é muito fácil (this is very easy)
Isto é muito difícil (it is very difficult)
Está quente! (it’s hot)
Está muito calor (it’s very hot!)
Está muito cheio(it’s very full) IF you like to say that someplace are full of people
Quero este CD (I want this CD)
Quanto custa?(how much is it?)
Custa 5 reais (it’s 5 reais)
É 5 reais? (is it 5 reais?)
Sim, é muito barato não é?(Yes, it’s very cheap, isn’t it?)
Onde vende pão? (Where can I find Bread?) 14
Onde é a padaria? (Where is the bakery?)
Onde é a praia? (Where is the beach?)
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Qual praia?(que praia?) More informal (what beach?)
Socorro! (help!)
Ajude‐me, por favor! (help me please!)
Roubaram‐me! (I was robbed)
Onde fica uma igreja?(there are any church?)
Cale‐se! (shut up!)
Não posso! (I can’t)
Não ria! (don’t smile)
Não olhe! (don’t look!)
Onde é o banheiro?(where is the toilet?)
Onde? (Where?)
Como? (How?)
Porque? (Because?)
Quanto? (how much?)
Quantos? (how many?)
No (in)
Em (in)
Lá (there)
Aqui (here)
Na frente (in front)
Na frente de (in front of)
Atrás (behind)
After (depois)
Falar (speak)
Escrever (write)
Ouvir (hear)
Dizer (tell)
Bater-papo (chat)
Tocar (touch)
Esperar (wait)
Ter esperanças (hope)
Brincar (play)
Tocar(play)not touch, but play the piano, the guitar, etc…
Procurar (look for)
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How to ask ages
Quantos anos você tem?
Qual a sua idade? (more informal)
(how old are you?)
Ana quantos anos você tem?
Tenho 25 anos, e você?
Anna, how old are you?
I’m 25, and you?
Tenho 18 anos
(I’m 18)
Você tem filhos? (do you have sons?)
Não, não tenho. (no, I don’t)
How old are you
Qual a sua idade? (informal to ask old peoples)
Qual a tua idade? (Informal to ask Young and friends)
Tenho… (I’m, or I have...)
Tenho 18 anos
Tenho 10 anos
Tenho 30 anos
How old is he?
Quantos anos ele tem?
Or (qual a idade dele)informal
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Next you Will see the listo f personal pronoums in portuguese.
Personal pronouns►
Possessive pronouns
Plural masculine
Plural feminine
Demonstrative pronoun
Plural masc.
Plural fem.
Alguém (somebody)
Algo, alguma coisa (something)
Algum lugar (someplace)
De algum modo (somehow)
Cada (each)
Diferente (different)
Igual (same)
Longe (far)
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Some useful words
Casa (house)
Carro (car)
Praia (beach)
Ônibus (bus)
Metro (subway)
Trem (tren)
Viagem (travel)
Passagem (ticket)
Passagem de ônibus (bus ticket)
Passagem de metro (subway ticket)
Passaporte (passport)
Aeroporto (airport)
Cidade (city)
Cidadão (citizen)
Combe (a typical transportation in some places around Brazil)
Caminhão (truck)
Porta (door)
Banco (bank)
Correio (Post -Office)
Computador (computer)
Correio eletrônico (e-mail)
Lanhouse (internet café)
Batepapo (chat)
Internet (internet)
Livro (book)
Revista (magazine)
Jornal (newspaper)
►Let’s practise!

Onde está meu livro?

Onde está minha revista?

Quanto é a passagem?

Seu passaporte, por favor!

Onde é o aeroporto?

Onde é o banco?

Quanto é esta revista?

Quanto é este jornal?

Onde é a praia?

Esta é a praia?

Este é o ônibus?

Onde é a lanhouse?

Você tem computador?

Sou um cidadão brasileiro
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Cultural notes
New Year's Day
January 1
Celebration of the new year
February (exact date varies)
Celebration prior to the Roman Catholic season of Lent
Good Friday
March or April
Christian religious holiday
Discovery of Brazil
April 21
Celebration of the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese
Labor Day
May 1
Celebration in honor of workers
Independence Day
September 7
Celebration of Brazil's independence from Portugal
Our Lady Aparecida
October 12
To honor the patron saint of Brazil
All Souls' Day
November 2
Catholic religious holiday
Proclamation of the Republic
November 15
Celebration of the end of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic
December 25
Celebration of Christmas
Best-known form of popular music is samba, which grew from the rhythm and vocal styles of the Native Americans, Portuguese, and Africans. Samba has come to be particularly associated with the spectacular dance and music competitions that take place each year in Rio de Janeiro during Brazil’s Carnival celebration. Although samba, as a dance form, is best seen during Carnival, there are other dances of African origin, such as the ritualized fighting of capoeira, which originated among African slaves. Bumba-meu-boi is a dance that uses drama, dance, instrumental music, and song to recount the mythical tale of the death and resurrection of an ox. the
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In the 1950s and 1960s bossa nova emerged from a blending of Brazilian popular music with American jazz. Key composers of bossa nova were João Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim, and Vinicius de Morães. In the mid-1960s the addition of electric guitars and elements of rock music resulted in the creation of música popular brasileira (MPB), associated with musician Chico Buarque and others. MPB focused on urban protest against the military regime that ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985. In the late 1960s tropicalismo drew upon a range of musical traditions, with Maria Bethânia and Caetano Veloso as leading performers.
It combined Brazilian folk traditions with rock and roll and popular music styles. Lambada, originating in the Amazon region in the 1970s, is a sensual dance based on Afro-Brazilian rhythms. There are also elements of regional popular music, such as sertanejo in the South and Center-West, which resembles American country music, with simple tunes and themes of love, nostalgia, and hardship.
Not also the music from Rio, São Paulo, or others cities are know, but also Frevo, a regional kind of music and dance from Recife, in specially the carnival music. Know internationally as Frevo do Recife.

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